Bed Bug Guarantee — Bed Bug Remediation
The Bed Bug Epidemic is Becoming a Normal Fact of Life.
Almost anyone is at risk. The introduction of one pregnant female is the beginning of an infestation nightmare. They simply hitchhike their way into homes on clothing, coats, backpacks, luggage, purses, used furniture and used items from thrift stores, yard sales, and auctions. You can get bed bugs from anywhere like restaurants, schools, offices, waiting rooms, movie theaters, motels, libraries, stores, churches, buses, trains, airplanes, and visitors to your home.
Until now, there were two types of people: those who may get bed bugs and can afford to get rid of them, and those who may get bed bugs and will have to learn to live with them because they cannot afford the high cost of treatment.
With the Ridders plan, everyone can afford to be protected for the time when bed bugs are discovered in your home or apartment. Don’t pay hundreds or
thousands of dollars to get rid of bed bugs. You can be protected for as little as $90 per year!
WE ARE THE ONLY COMPANY TO OFFER A LOW COST BED BUG SERVICE PLAN. Home owners insurance and renters insurance do not pay for bed bug remediation and heat treatments can cost thousands of dollars. Non-heat costs hundreds.
Protect yourself from the high cost of bed bug treatment with a yearly service agreement. Other companies will try to sell expensive treatments that can cost thousands of dollars but under our plan, when you get bed bugs you only pay $40 per treatment.
Call Ridders now!
Click here to download our Service Agreement
Cheap Bed Bug Control in Frankfort Indiana
Ridders Pest Control embraces the future of bed bug control using the premier industry leading insecticide, an exceptional and extremely effective, 100% natural and green product. With hundreds of successful bed bug jobs, Ridders will solve your bed bug problem while providing for your essential safety and welfare.
Understandably, discovering that you have bed bugs can be a very stressful and difficult affair under any condition and cause considerable discomfort. You may be confident that Ridders Pest Control is capable and competent when it comes to eliminating bed bugs anywhere across Central Indiana including Frankfort, Indiana.
We provide a very affordable alternative to expensive heat treatments. Contrary to the widely held belief (and advertising) and to the considerable dismay of certain customers, heat treatments sometimes do not work and are not “the only way to get rid of bed bugs”. Ridders Pest Control guarantees to effectively eliminate 100% of bed bugs with rapid and complete control, even in the most severe infestations. In most cases, Ridders Pest Control accomplishes successful control of bed bugs with just a one-time treatment. It is not necessary to retreat several times as required by typical bed bug chemical products, to which, it should be pointed out, bed bugs are, in some cases, developing immunity.
If you are looking for an effective, low-cost, sustainable solution to a bed bug problem, you can be well satisfied that Ridders Pest Control in Frankfort Indiana has the proven experience and knowledge necessary to achieve it, whatever your circumstances. We will not ask you to throw out your infested mattresses and furniture or require you to purchase bed bug encasements for mattresses. These can be treated and saved.
Call Ridders Pest Control for a free inspection and price quote.